The terrazzo bears the memories of the Taiwanese; it witnesses to the prosperity and glory of the times.
With the appearance of the watch, the importance of the clock begins to decline; coupled with the progress of the mobile phone, she has been quickly ignored in the modern space.
However, the clock is truely a time display of a space.
Hence, Good Form redesigned a mix of the two representatives of the same time era, 
and brings out the Terrazzo Clock. 
One can’t help but appreciate her beauty when hangs her up!
設計師 / Designer: 好造型 / Good Form
尺寸 / Size:直徑20 x 4 cm / Diameter 20 x 4 cm
材質 / Material :水泥、砂石、日本地板蠟、靜音機芯 / cement, sand stone

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