由 Hevo 日何百鐵製作的鍍鋅板吧台檯面,讓人可以在視野開闊的窗景前休憩,賞玩窗台上的設計物件。
吧台也可以是物件陳列,或是活動 F&B 的餐食陳列台。
Designed and made by Hevo Deco, the galvanized bar allows people to relax in front of the window, 
with the broad view and various design items on the sill.
The bar can also act as an object displayed or an F&B's event meal display stand.

設計師/ Designer:日何百鐵/ Hevo Deco
材質/ Material: 鍍鋅板/ Galvanized iron
尺寸/ Size:

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